My coding journey

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Around spring of 2021, my pianist friend and I decided to try learning coding. We were both very burnt out from online teaching and well… everything (still in the throws of the pandemic 😢), and were looking for other things to do and learn. Two or three times a week, we’d go to an outdoor bar in downtown Austin, grab a beer, open our laptops, and just hash away. We had absolutely no idea what we were doing or what we were getting ourselves into, but I do look back fondly on those evenings!

We worked through 2 courses together:

It was an ambitious agenda for sure, but we did somehow manage our way through a lot of CS50 together. With the Odin Project, I got about half way and then I strayed, as I really wanted to start building some of my own projects. To be continued…


  1. David Malan is an amazing teacher. The way he breaks down complex topics, makes compelling demonstrations, and just exudes passion for his field is wonderful, and a masterclass for fellow teachers. If you’re interested, here’s a recent video of him doing his thing: